20 years Rabbit Vibrator – and it runs and runs

Sex toys for women – a topic that somehow seems as natural today as making a jam roll at breakfast. Advertisements for relevant online shops and brands are even on the radio and TV at Christmas time. Since when has that been the case? One thing one can say is that it started probably 1999 with the groundbreaking presentation of the Rabbit Vibrator.

Short History of the Rabbit Vibrator

Product placement has hardly ever been as successful as with the Rabbit Vibrator. Sex and the City – Season 1, the episode entitled “The Turtle And The Hare”. Miranda tells Charlotte about a vibrator. She buys it in a sex shop and becomes almost addicted. Shortly afterwards she starts canceling dates because she would rather have fun with him than go to parties. This goes on until her friends intervene.

This episode catapulted the topic of sex toys for women and female masturbation out of a dark taboo zone right into the face of society. Sales figures for the Rabbit went through the roof. To this day he is still the favourite of many ladies. The reason for this is that its design was created in such a way that it stimulates both vaginal and clitoral at the same time. Modern models even have a remote control or can be controlled via an app.

Here, for example, a video of sextoy tester Venus O’Hara, who reports in detail about a Wild Rabbit:

Rabbit vibrator – what to look for?

To say this or that model would be the best Rabbit Vibrator would be a bit out of place. Preferences are just too different for that. Therefore we only point out which aspects should be considered when buying.

Many users report that they need to build some kind of emotional bond with their device in order for their “relationship” to work properly. Colour, look and feel should match your taste. Maybe your favourite colour is helpful. Or maybe one that you associate something positive with or something forbidden etc. The design should of course also be appealing.

As far as the effectiveness of the device is concerned, as a woman you can only partially draw on the experiences of others. They are a good guide, but in the end every body is different. Not every G-spot is in the same place and every clitoris is different. Therefore the length of the shaft, the length of the side arm, the nature of the clitoris stimulator must always fit your body exactly. In addition, you also have to consider how much the motor can rotate and whether it can be continuously regulated.

Only if all these factors work together correctly, you will be able to enjoy your Rabbit Vibrator to the fullest. That is why it is called: testing, testing, testing – which is a bit difficult with a machine with this purpose. But if you invest a little effort, you will have a loyal friend for life. If you notice that you are beginning to cancel appointments, then you have probably found the right model.